Sunday, February 26, 2006

Mark Kozelek - Tonight At the Hi-Tone!

Mark Kozelek (Red House Painters, Sun Kil Moon) will be making a rare appearance in Memphis tonight at the Hi-Tone. I first heard of Mark Kozelek when my friend Aaron gave me the Red House Painter's Down Colorful Hill album. Rarley have I been so drawn to someone's music so quickly. Kozelek's sound is often depressing in nature but always beautiful and achingly honest. If anyone deserves to be called the modern Nick Drake, it certainly would be Mr. Kozelek. Don't miss this chance!

- And don't forget about tomorrow's show at the Hi-Tone when we are privileged enough to have The Undertow Orchestra come to town. Never heard of The Undertow Orchestra? Well, believe me you've heard of the members who make it up. Here is a description of the event:

This is a very special collaborative tour with David Bazan (Pedro The Lion, Headphones), Vic Chesnutt, Mark Eitzel (American Music Club), and Will Johnson (Centro-matic) all sharing the stage, rotating between each songwriter's material, while serving as backing band on various instruments for each other's tunes. Scott Danbom (Centro-matic) will join the Orchestra on piano and violin.

Brad Postlethwaite and the Brad Band will be opening up.

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